Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No. We are not paid for any of our reviews. We do receive some items for free or at a discounted rate to review, but we are very up front that our reviews are completely honest and fair. I hope you are able to see that in the videos.
Yes. Most, but not all, of the links to products we've reviewed or deals we've posted are affiliate links. This means that when you click the link, go to that website, and make a purchase, there is a chance that we can earn a small commission. That commission comes at no extra cost to you but helps support our channel and assists us in being able to keep new videos coming to you weekly.
We have reviewed products from a lot of different sources! Many of them are products we already had or have been using for a long time. Some items peaked our interest and were purchased (after extensive research usually), Other products have been sent to us by the manufacturer, and, finally, some are even sent to us by viewers of our YouTube channel who want to see us feature one of their favorite products!
If you have a product you would like us to test out, Contact us via email: We'll talk about a few more details and see if we are a good match for each other.
As you may guess, this depends on the product. We have been able to turn around product reviews in as little as one month, while other products require further testing and may take longer. Our reviews are scheduled several weeks (in some cases months) in advance. Please contact us at if you need a more specific time frame or have a special request.
Adrian and Robbie have been researching and finding great products and places for a long
time. But since 2020...they've
been doing it for you too!
Check out our About Us page
for more information about
each of them
If you find yourself getting really
tired of spending all your time watching a whole bunch of
YouTube Review videos and
STILL not knowing what you
wanted to know, then we've
got the solution for you.
At Review This Thing we strive to
always provide a thorough,
unbiased, and honest review of every product with no fluff - just
facts and our feelings about it -
so you feel like you can make a
well-informed decision about
buying the product.
Watch this short intro video to
learn more!